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Advances in Science
168. UCLA scientists improve our understanding of the enzyme telomerase
167. Study shows machine learning can improve catalytic design
166. Quantum gas reveals first signs of path-bending monopole
165. Quantum matter revealed electrical dipole activity unlike any other tested
164. A new method for solving a series of global optimization problems developed
163. Suppressing relaxation in superconducting qubits by quasiparticle pumping
162. Interplay of light and matter - A perfect attosecond experiment
161. Quantum optical circulator controlled by a single chirally coupled atom
158. Key Mechanism of Cancer, Aging and Inflammation Uncovered
158. X-ray laser glimpses how electrons dance with atomic nuclei in materials
157. Theory of thermoelectric properties updated after 23 years
155. Scientists find exception to the laws of thermodynamics
154. Antenna-reactor catalyed photoreaction offer best of both worlds
152. Study reveals insights into protein linked to cancer and Alzheimer's disease
149. Scientists reveal how cell corrects errors made in gene transcription
147. A molecular switch to better understand cellular signaling
146. Scientists take next step towards observing quantum physics in real life
145. Gravitational Waves Detected, Confirming Einstein’s Theory---
143. Scientists create ultrathin semiconductor heterostructures for new technologies
142. Metal oxide sandwiches: New option to manipulate properties of interfaces
140. On-Demand Single Photons with High Extraction Efficiency and Near-Unity Indistinguishability
139. One atom makes a big difference in a nanocatalyst reaction
137. Controlling Electrons At Femtosecond Timescales Could Enhance Efficiency Of Solar Cells
136. Isolating and controlling qubits for quantum information processing
135. Lipoprotein nanoplatelets shed new light on biological molecules and cells
134. Major step toward confirming the existence of the majorana particle
131. Scientists Enhance Understanding of Muscle Repair Process
130. Potential biochemical mechanism underlying long-term memories identified
129. A quantum of light for materials science---how to incorporate the effects of photons into the first-principles calculations
128. Quantum insulation: Intemperate atoms can't come to equilibrium
126. Physicists Measure Force that Makes Antimatter Stick Together
123. Physicists learn how to control the movement of electrons in a molecule
122. Physicists Set a New Fiber-Optic Quantum Teleportation Record
121. Theory explaining Electromagnetic energy without radiation could be important physics breakthrough
120. Mutated p53 tumor suppressor protein uses epigenetics to drive aggressive cancer growth
119. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms involved in remyelination
118. The Last Great Prediction Of The Big Bang was Confirmed
117. Leukemia drug could be used to sabotage metabolism of cancer cells
116. Time-Lapse Analysis Offers New Look at How Cells Repair DNA Damage
113. A metabolic master switch underlying human obesity---Researchers find pathway that controls metabolism by prompting fat cells to store or burn fat
110. Perovskite combined with quantum dots for superefficient LED lighting and high speed communication
106. New Discovery in Particle Physics Raises Hope for a “Theory of Everything”
105. Researchers Discover Initiation Mechanism for Dendritic Spines
103. Reality doesn’t exist until we measure it, quantum experiment confirms
102. Researchers Reactivate Lost Memories With Optogenetics---Lost memories can be recalled by activating brain cells with light
98. Scientists pinpoint molecule that switches on stem cell genesis and tumor evolution
97. In vivo CRISPR-Cas9 screen sheds light on cancer metastasis and tumor evolution
96. A thermionic energy converter using single-layer graphene
95. A New Small Molecule Binds to Cancer’s DNA, Prevents Replication
94. Two quantum properties are teleported together for first time
93. Quantum Radar---A quantum illumination technique can aid the sensing of weakly reflective targets in a noisy background
92. Confirmation of ultra-high energy molecules with 500 times the bond energy of a triple carbon bond
91. New Algorithm for Real-Time Simulations in Materials Research
89. Earthquake early warning begins testing in Pacific Northwest
86. Newly Discovered Networks among Different Diseases Reveal Hidden Connections
85. New Measurements Show that the Unrealest Part of Quantum Physics Is Very Real
83. Telomere extension turns back aging clock in cultured human cells, study finds
82. Scientists found a way to reduce Alzheimer's plaques--targeting sugar attachment to the BACE1 enzyme.
81. Some Spaces Can’t Be Cut--A mathmatician proved that FEM in higher-dimensional spaces may not always be possible.
80. Is gravity the force driving time forwards?--A new theory seeks to explain the arrow of time and why it travels in one direction.
78. The Secret Benefits of a Curious Mind--when we are curious about something, it makes it easier to learn.
76. Nano-movies of biomolecules--Imaging proteins at atomic spatial resolution and ultrafast temporal resolution.
75. Fluorescence Microscopy: New 2-D Images Can Detect Cancer Risk
74. LHCb experiment observes two new baryon particles--The LHCb experiment at CERN’s LHC announced the discovery of two new particles predicted to exist by the quark model but had never been seen before.
73. Time Trials for Fundamental Constants--Single-ion clocks yield new limits on how much the proton-to-electron mass ratio and the fine structure constant change over time.
72. How cancer cells assure immortality by lengthening the ends of chromosomes--Scientists at the Salk Institute had discovered an on-off switch in cells that might allow for increasing telomerase to keep cells dividing and generating.
71. The Immune System Fights Back. --Reprogrammed T cells show promise at beating blood cancers.
70.Physicists Succeed In Compressing Quantum Data for the First Time.
69.Biologists find an early sign of cancer--Researchers discovered boost in certain amino acids in patients years before diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
68.Climate-Earth system computer model to be the most advanced ever created
66.Quantum mechanic's problem Of Heisenberg uncertainty may have been solved using fluid dynamics
64.Turning beams of light into a SOLID--Technique that changes behaviour of photons could make quantum computers a reality.
63.Researcher tracks photons to develop unprecedented quantum technology--Functional nanomaterials give an opportunity to explore the quantum landscape ranging from cryptography to neurology.
61.Blocking the Signal: Brain-derived growth factor may lure lung cancer cells to migrate
60.Computing a Cure for HIV--9 Ways Supercomputers Help Scientists Understand and Treat the Virus
55.Tumor-suppressor connects with histone protein to hinder gene expression
54.Forcing cancer cells to devour themselves by blocking a protein signal
53. Five Thought-Provoking Quantum Experiments Showing That Reality Is an Illusion
52.Quantum Photon Properties Revealed in Another Particle—the Plasmon
51.Thermodynamics Confronts Quantum Mechanics--Heat flow carried by electrons in a thermoelectric device requires a surprisingly wide “pipe”—a rare case where quantum effects have macroscopic consequences.
49.Quantum Link Between Photons that Don’t Exist at the Same Time
48.Quantum Internet: First Teleportation To A Solid-State Quantum Memory
46.Statistical flickers in a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Photons
43.How Metamaterials Could Hold the Key to High Temperature Superconductivity?
42.Quantum world record smashed--A normally fragile quantum state has been shown to survive at room temperature for a world record 39 minutes.
40.The 10 biggest breakthroughs in physics over the past 25 years
38.Harvard-MIT Scientists Create Never-Before-Seen Form of Matter--coax photons into binding together to form molecules
34.Quantum Gravity--The Missing Theory to Understanding the Evolution of the Universe
33.DNA methylation presents distinct binding sites for human transcription factors
31.How to interpret quantum mechanics?--A wiki guide
30.How Genes Tell Cellular Construction Crews--When a sperm and an egg combine, the new embryo bustles with activity. Its cells multiply so rapidly they largely ignore their DNA, other than to copy it and to read just a few essential genes.
29.Why tumors become drug-resistant--New findings could lead to drugs that fight back when tumors don’t respond to treatment.
28.Cancer as a dysregulated epigenome allowing cellular growth advantage at the expense of the host--A Nature review paper
25.Searching for quantum physics in all the right places--An improved method for measuring quantum properties offers new insight into the unique characteristics of quantum systems.
23.Kidney cancer progression linked to shifts in tumor metabolism
20.Can We Resolve Quantum Paradoxes by Stepping Out of Space and Time?
18.Can We Resolve Quantum Paradoxes by Stepping Out of Space and Time?
16.Spintronics approach enables new quantum technologies--A team of researchers developed technologies that exploit quantum mechanics to perform disparate tasks such as nanoscale temperature measurement and processing quantum information with lasers.
14.Gene-Silencing Activity Discovery Could Lead To Treatment For Viral Infections, Cancers And Other Diseases--A team led by scientists at TSRI has found how to boost or inhibit a gene-silencing mechanism that normally serves as a major controller of cells' activities.
- 13.Breakdowns in DNA copying process lead to cancer, other diseases
12.From Atoms To Bits, Physics Shows Entropy As The Root Of Intelligence--Intelligence is a fundamentally thermodynamic process, where any given system engages in a physical process of trying to capture as many future histories as possible.
11.Protein maintains order in the nucleus--How two metres of DNA can be packed into the cell nucleus on a strictly defined arrangement?
10.Querying the Cancer Transcriptome--The finding that less than 2% of the transcriptional output of the human genome encodes proteins and approximately 98% encodes noncoding RNAs
7. SIRT1 Regulation by Allosteric Activators--A molecule that treats multiple age-related diseases would have a major impact on global health and economics.
6. Exceptional Material Properties by Design--For the details see this paper in Science magzine.
5. Characterizing Quantum Measurement--For the details see this paper in Science magzine.
4. Superconducting Circuits for Quantum Information: An Outlook--For the details see this paper in Science magzine.
3. Topological Quantum Computation—From Basic Concepts to First Experiments--For the details see this paper in Science magzine.
2. The Planck Mission--the team of Planck Mission released a new map of the cosmic microwave background radiation.
1. Researchers find a better way to culture central nervous cells--A protein associated with neuron damage in people with Alzheimer's disease is surprisingly useful in promoting neuron growth in the lab.
168. New electron microscope shows the quantum world in crazy detail
166. New memristor boosts accuracy and efficiency for neural networks on an atomic scale
163. Physicists developed self-propelled droplets that can act as programmable micro-carriers
162. Innovative Interferometric Method Reveals Time of Electron Photoemission from Atom
161. Promising new approach for controlled fabrication of carbon nanostructures
160. Electrically tunable metasurfaces pave the way toward dynamic holograms
159. Ultrahigh sensitivity graphene infrared detectors for imaging and spectroscopy
158. Scientists boost catalytic activity for key chemical reaction in fuel cells
156. Scientists develop ‘ideal’ energy storage material for electric vehicles
154. Tunneling ionization helps scientists to track ultrafast changes in molecules
152. Unique nano-capsules promise the targeted drug delivery
151. Artificial intelligence help creates the next wonder material
151. Seeing atoms and molecules in action with an electron 'eye'
147. Scientists Have Found a Way to Control Electrons in Action
146. Cancer cells filmed in 3D for first time through new microscope
144. Acoustic tweezers moves cells in three dimensions, builds structures
143. Switchable material could enable new memory chips--Small voltage can flip thin film between two crystal states.
142. New technique could facilitate use of gold nanoparticles in electronic, medical applications
141. Promising new approach for controlled fabrication of carbon nanostructures
137. HyPer-Tau provides spatially-resolved hydrogen peroxide sensing in cells
136. Using 3-D printing to build human physiology outside the body
132. How Neuromorphic Image Sensors Steal Tricks From the Human Eye
130. Open Insulin
128. First optical ‘rectenna’ converts light to DC current---aiming at 40-to-90% PV efficiency
126. 3-D printing lightweight, flexible multiple materials in real time, including electronic circuits
125. Maximizing Energy from Solar Panels on Slanted Roofs with kirigami shapechanging solar cells
123. Issues preventing highly integrated carbon nanotube chips has been resolved
122. Lipid DNA origami may lead to advanced future nanomachines
120. Making hydrogen fuel from water and visible light at 100 times higher efficiency
119. Lockheed Martin Compact Fusion Reactor Update with Video of Technical Presentation made at Princeton
118. New solid-state memory technology allows for highest-density non-volatile storage
117. Could the new Intel Micron 3D Xpoint be a breakthrough form of Phase Change Memory?
116. New supercapacitor design offers record high-energy storage
113. Nanospheres safely deliver high chemotherapy doses to attack tumors
111. New graphene supercapacitor structure inspired by the intricate design of leaves
110. 3-D printing tough biogel structures for tissue engineering or soft robots
105. Laser technique for low-cost self-assembly of nanostructures
104. 3D-printed aerogels enable new energy-storage and nanoelectronic devices
103. Laser Thruster has moved a one pound object on a frictionless track
102. Snail-inspired nanosensor detects and maps mRNA in living cells
100. Stanford Researchers Unveil New Ultrafast Charging Aluminum-Ion Battery
98. Quantum-like polarization metrology with classical light
94. A step closer to quantum computation with Quantum Error Correction
91. Silicon Nanofibers could boost lithium battery energy density by ten times
89. Paper-Thin Lenses Could Shrink Cameras and Holographic Displays
88. Flexible 3D graphene supercapacitors may power portables and wearables
85. The Precision Medicine Initiative: Data-Driven Treatments as Unique as Your Own Body
84. New Technique Reverses Aging By Decades In Cultured Human Cells.
83. Quantum entanglement can be created on a silicon photonic chip.
80. Genome engineering used to create a bacterial kill switch
78. Walk to power your wearable and portable devices may become possible
77. Switch on any gene you like--Using CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing system MIT researchers can reliably turn on any gene of their choosing in living cells.
76. Electron pairs on demand--Controlled emission and spatial splitting of electron pairs demonstrated
75. Five Practical Uses for "Spooky" Quantum Mechanics--tools that harness the weird properties of quantum mechanics are at work.
74. A battery made up of billions of nanoscale batteries--Imagine a battery made up of billions of nanoscale energy storages.
73. How to store solar energy more cost-effectively for use at night--Stanford researchers have developed a solution: using electrolysis to store solar energy.
72. Open-Source Rapid Prototyping for Biology--Accelerating research with open, affordable, and easy-to-use lab robots. OpenTrons aims to empower people to innovate with biotech.
71. Ultra-high-resolution movies of live 3D biomolecules now possible with new microscope--A new lattice light sheet microscopy can image the three-dimensional activity of molecules, cells, and embryos in fine detail.
70.How to make a perfect solar absorber--Researchers at MIT have made a perfect solar absorber with a 2D metallic dielectric photonic crystal
69.TenPromising Technologies Assisting the Future of Medicine
68.Visualizing nanotechnology in 3D with open source software
67.Fourier plane imaging microscopy--The image generated by a microscope's objective lens can provide different information
66.Nanoscale study sheds new light on why batteries go bad--rapid-charging and draining the battery may not be as damaging as researchers had thought
65.Breakthrough Extracts Hydrogen from Water 30 Times Faster
64.Buckyballs and diamondoids combine to form basic electronic device
63.Ultrasensitive biosensor using molybdenite semiconductor outshines graphene
62.Cryogenic on-chip quantum electron cooling leads towards computers that consume 10x less power
61.A tool for measuring atomic properties at the quantum limit
60.Spooky Quantum Entanglement Reveals Invisible Objects--a quantum camera captures images with two-colored light that never "saw" the object.
57.Video: How CRISPR gene editing technology came to dominate genetic engineering
54.'Nanodaisies’ deliver more powerful drug cocktail to cancer cells
49.Two-dimensional ‘electron gas’ creates radical microelectronics devices
45.Capturing ultrasharp images of multiple cell components simultaneously
38.Low-cost, long-lasting water splitter made of silicon and nickel
37.A multifunctional nano carrier to detect, diagnose, and deliver drugs to cancer cells
33.In vivo observation of genes--observing the organisation and movements of the genome in time and space
32.Mining biological networks for new treatments for disease
30.Programming language for biochemistry--viewing biology as a specialization of evolvable circuits
29.Quantum Dots Versus Nanowires For The Future Of Solar Power
28.Accelerator on a chip--new generations of smaller, less expensive accelerator for science and medicine
26.Optical Bernoulli Forces Could Steer Objects Bathed in Light--A tracker beam technology
23.Squeezed light produced using silicon micromechanical system--A team at Caltech has engineered a miniature silicon system that produces a type of light that has fewer quantum fluctuations than what is usually present in a vacuum.
20.Genome editing becomes more accurate--Improved technique makes it easier to add or delete genes in living cells, with less risk of off-target DNA damage.
19.Quantum Entanglement in Future Communication Technologies
17.Enhancing RNA interference--Nanoparticles that deliver short strands of RNA offer a way to treat cancer and other diseases by shutting off malfunctioning genes.
16.Spintronics approach enables new quantum technologies--A team of researchers developed technologies that exploit quantum mechanics to perform disparate tasks such as nanoscale temperature measurement and processing quantum information with lasers.
15.Helicopter-light-beams: A new tool for quantum optics--Laser light can be coupled into an optical glass fiber in such a way that it does not travel along the fiber but rather spirals around it in a bulged, bottle-like section.
14.Metamaterial UV lens could lead to improved lithography and nanoscale manipulation
13.First Quantum-Enhanced Images of a Living Cell--Biologists have used “squeezed light” to create the first images of a living cell that beat the diffraction limit.
12.Short read alignment: an introduction--A fundation of next generation sequencing technology
11.Translating Protein Network Models into the Clinic using Machine Learning Algorithms--Single molecule microscopy techniques have been developed and applied to study these interactions and unravel their fundamental biology.
10.A complete DNA sequencer on a USB stick--This dream device was to cost under $1,000 and be able to sequence up to 150 million base pairs in its six hour lifetime.
9. Tomorrow's Material World is Being Built at the Molecular Foundry--The Molecular Foundry at UCB is developing metal-organic chemical vapor deposition tools for tomorrow's nanotech.
8. Querying the Cancer Transcriptome--The finding that less than 2% of the transcriptional output of the human genome encodes proteins and approximately 98% encodes noncoding RNAs
6. Searching for Functional Noncoding Variation--Exome sequencing is being widely employed to determine the genetic basis of inherited disease.
4. RNA-seq Analysis--A ppt file for RNA seq.
3. DNA Methylation Rules: Studying Epigenetics with New Tools--The tools to unravel the epigenetic control mechanisms that influence how cells control access of transcriptional proteins to DNA.
2. How To Identify Conserved Elements In Genes--Conserved elements are stretches of DNA sequence that are under purifying selection.
1. Theory of Algorithmic Self-Assembly--Self-assembly is the process by which small components automatically assemble themselves into large, complex structures.
Advances in Technology
Advances in Engineering
109. Ceramic–metal composites for heat exchangers in concentrated solar power plants
108. 3D-printed supercapacitor electrode breaks records in lab tests
107. Engineers developed an ultrasonic, rotary piezo motor with high resolution and holding torque
106. Engineers 3-D print high-strength aluminum, solve ages-old welding problem using nanoparticles
105. 3D Printed Reflector Improves WiFi Signal and Security in Interior Spaces
103. 10 Data Science, Machine Learning and IoT Predictions for 2017
102. MIT researchers use 3D printing to produce MEMS at one-hundredth usual cost
101. Autodesk + microsoft preview hologram rendering platform for designers using ‘hololens’
98. How-to: Build a Machine-Learning App Using Sparkling Water and Apache Spark
95. Make a connected barometer shield for Arduino Uno – using an ESP8266
93. Motion-controlled Servos with Leap Motion & Raspberry Pi
92. Mycroft Raspberry Pi Open Source Artificial Intelligence System
89. A Practical Introduction to IoT using Arduino, Node.js and Plotly
83. Microsoft and Arduino Announce Hardware-Support Collaboration
82. FPGA Add-On Boards Supported By Raspberry Pi And BeagleBone Black
81. A simple, modular solution for building electronic devices
80. New inexpensive centimeter-accurate GPS system could transform mainstream applications
78. Breakthrough in FPGAs could make custom chips faster, larger
77. The Wolfram Data Drop Is Live! ---Efficiently store and analyze streaming IoT data
75. Z-Wave---a wireless communications protocol designed for home automation.
74. Advanced machine vision becomes simple using OpenMV Cam board with embedded MicroPython.
73. Useful open-source electronics prototyping platforms based on easy-to-use Arduino boards
70. Hardware and Firmware Issues in Using Ultra-Low Power MCUs
66. Quest for Quantum Computers--A 30-year slog to develop a useful quantum computer may finally be on the verge of paying dividends
64. Stereo Depth Perception on the Raspberry Pi--This article describes how to produce a real-time stereo depth perception with two Pi compute modules and Raspberry Pi.
63. Home Automation with Arduino and Raspberry Pi--How to create Arduino gateway and OpenHAB for home automation?
61. How to self educate yourself to become a product manager--Kenneth Norton compiled a list of hyperlinks to articles that teach you to become a good product manager.
60.Great Opportunities for Startups--There are a lot of startup ideas we’ve been waiting for people to apply with for years.
59.A startup delivers a smallmicrocontroller board PyBv that is programmable with Python
54.My Off-grid Solar System Monitoring--再生能源、儲能、電力需求管理是未來家庭智慧化的驅動核心。在太陽光電技術與產業漸趨成熟下,結合雲端管理技術使其運用更為成熟,為必然之趨勢。這篇Blog聯結資料告訴我們如何進行雛型開發。
46.A PCB printer for photoresist which uses a PHR-803T Blue-Ray™ pickup
44.DIY Prototyping Board with 3.3V, 5V, 12V and -12V Built in Power Supplies
42.Fourteen Emerging Health Technologies That Will Change The World
38.This startup figured out how to charge devices wirelessly
32.Three Ideas Wearable Designers Should Steal From This Smart Medical Device
30.Raspberry Pi : Adafruit Industries, Unique DIY electronics and kits
29.Tutorial – Making a Bluetooth Temperature & Humidity Sensor
23.Automatically watering your plants with sensors, a Pi and webhooks
18.How to give robotic systems spatial sensing with visual intelligence?
17.Scene Reconstruction from High Spatio Angular Resolution Light Fields--a method for scene reconstruction of complex, detailed environments from 3D light
15.Metaseq: a Python framework for integrating sequencing analyses--YouTube link to SciPy2013 Tutorial
14.Statistical Data Analysis in Python--YouTube link to SciPy2013 Tutorial
12.Seeing the human pulse--Algorithm can accurately gauge heart rate by measuring tiny head movements in video data.
10.Four microphones and computer algorithm produce 3-D model of simple, convex room--Blind people sometimes develop the ability to perceive the contours of the room based only on auditory information.
8. An Anomaly Event Correlation Engine--Identifying Root Causes, Bottlenecks, and Black Swans in IT Environments
7. The Big Data Matrix--analyzing meanings and relations of everything.
6. Short read alignment: an introduction--A fundation of next generation sequencing technology
5. The Big Data Matrix--analyzing meanings and relations of everything.
3. Data Clustering Using Naive Bayes Inference-Data clustering is a machine-learning technique that has many important practical applications.-
2. Hidden Markov Models--A tutorial on HMM in C#.
1. Ten Free online resources for learning Algorithms and Data Structures--Here are 10 free online resources for learning Algorithms, data structure and programming